Sunday, April 01, 2007

Ideas for "Learning 2.0"

I'm always scouring the web for ideas on how to clearly and best present 2.0 concepts. I know Bryan Alexander and others, many on my "blogroll", have done some great jobs, better than I could ever do. But still, one has to develop their own little presentation eventually, geared to the group and purpose at hand. As I used to advise others...."beg, borrow and steal". I say "steal" jokingly, of course. Lately you don't have to steal any more, almost everyone is generously giving their stuff away free, they just want a little credit. So, I will try to change that saying to "beg, borrow and credit". Hmmm, borrow and credit don't go too well together, have to work on that...

Surfing through Technorati last week, I was intrigued to see "Learning 2.0" half-way between Paris Hilton and Sanjaya in search hits. This led me to the PLCMC Learning 2.0 site.

This contains 23 Things, or small exercises, that the staff members of the Charlotte and Meckenburg County Public Library could do on the web to explore and expand their knowledge of the Internet and Web 2.0. The additional incentive was to complete all 23 items by a certain date in order to to receive a free mp3 player and qualify for a computer laptop drawing.

23 Things was developed for the library staff by Helene Blowers, the Technology Director for the library. I believe the inspiration came partially from Stephen Abram's article and the 43 Things Social Software site.

Here is the PLCMC Logo According to the 23 Things Blog other libraries are adopting the program, which has been released under a Creative Commons license, and customizing it to their own needs. Seems 23 Things is having quite a "ripple" effect, with 17 libraries signed up today. Some of the adaptations are pretty nice.

Our Temple Summer Institute, a week-long faculty training session, is coming up in June, and I'll be looking at all these sites for ideas on how we can "beg, borrow and credit". Our Instructional Technology Team is more concerned with curriculum support for specific courses, for faculty and students, but there is a lot of useful instructional information here.

Nice Wired Article on 23 Things. While the individual technologies and excersises are not new, the sequencing, combination, and process that combines them in a complete and finished self-training "package" is certainly unique, and I congratulate Helene on her innovative achievement.

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